MotU Cast: A He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Podcast!
I am Doctor G the Man of Nerdology and Host of the Pulp to Pixel Podcasts. With each episode of MotU-Cast, I and my regular rogues gallery of co-hosts and special guest will explore the world of Eternia through the minicomics that were published as part of the 1982 toy line from Mattel.
Turn the Page and Unlock the Power of Grayskull!

In this episode I am joined by Guest Host Gene Hendricks of the Quantum Cast and the Anime Freaks Podcast over of the Two True Freaks Network. Gene and I are discussing the Golden Book story Caverns of Fear. As an added bonus this episode contains the audio version of the story as well.

You can find Gene's works at his website http://www.thehammerstrikes.com/ or follow him on Twitter @Hammer_Strikes

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