Welcome to Dial G for Gamer, a Pulp 2 Pixel Podcast!
Dial G for Gamer will be a semi-monthly show where Doctor G the Man of Nerdology and his Rogues Gallery of Co-Hosts play and review games of all types with a superhero theme. From Tabletop Games to Video Games, we will take on this genre one superhero game at a time.

This episode features returning guest host Kris Newton, co-host of The Gameable Podcast where he and his wife discuss Saturday Morning cartoons, breakfast, and gaming. He is solo host on M.D.C. Mega Dumb Cast where he reviews Palladium Games Ninjas & Superspies one page at a time looking for the dumbest thing on each page. He will be joining me on this episode to discuss the of World of Darkness Storytelling System of games and how they can and do intersect with superhero gaming and tropes.

You can find more Classic World of Darkness on the web at:

You can also find Kris Newton's podcast work at:
The Gameable PodcastMegaDumbCast

You can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes, where you can also leave a rating and review: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pulp-2-pixel-podcasts/id1019004523?mt=2
You can also find episodes on the Stitcher app as well: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=72145&refid=stpr
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Music used in the episode:
"Video Dungeon Boss" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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